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  • Writer's pictureRev. Amanda Robertson

February 2022

Dear People of Good Shepherd:

This Sunday, February 6, Father Bill Greeley, retired priest-in-charge, and I will serve together at the 10:30 am service. We will celebrate Candlemas; bring a candle from home to be blessed!

Fr. Bill conducted the services on January 9 when my son had COVID. He was able to baptize Henry David Peck whose father, Brian, he had baptized and whose parents, Carrie and Brian, he had married. I ached to be there myself but cannot deny the beauty and grace of how it unfolded.

We are so fortunate that Bill and Sharon (and Beatrice!) remain in York and members of Good Shepherd. Bill has been a source of counsel and support since my arrival, and willing—without much notice, as evidenced above—to step in when needed. This year, he will preside and preach on Sundays I am away. And occasionally we will serve together, like this Sunday.

Today is the 15th anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. I have always served in congregations with multiple clergy. I am grateful once again to have a priest with whom I can be at the altar, from whom I can hear the gospel preached, and who loves the community and people as I do.

With joy, Amanda

In retirement, Fr. Bill continues as a licensed professional counselor with Greeley Counseling Services on South Congress Street and Carolina Cardiology Associates in Rock Hill.

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